Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lena & new communication technologies

I easily use new communication technologies everyday. i have a sad obsession with the internet; facebook, myspace, MSN. I also have a mobile just like every other eighteen year old. Texting, calling and the internet are all frequent events on my phone. With out these new communication technologies I would not have met or kept in contact with alot of friends and family. Alot of my closest friends made first contact over MSN and myspace as I went to primary school with a guy they knew. With out new communication technologies i would have never met these great people and wouldn't be regularly flying to and from Townsville. At the moment one of my best friends is travelling Europe and through facebook myspace and MSN we have been able to keep in constant contact.
I have friends that I only know online. I have met alot of people that live in Townsville through friends i probably know 30 odd people there now. I'm slowly meeting more of them as I visit but I do enjoy just having people online to talk to. I also know people that live in New Zealand and other countries through the internet. I'm not sure exactly how we know each other but it's interesting talking to people in other countries. I think it is different to knowing people in person. I don't really know how to explain how it is different, it just is. I also have people that i have met once and kept in contact with since. Keeping in contact through the internet is alot easier and frequent then only meeting in person.
I have been using new communication technologies since primary school. My dad met my step mum through the internet and that when I started to use the internet to talk to her until she moved over from America. I then continued to use the internet and broaden my searches. When I began high school I was given my first mobile phone, since then I have had no money. My dad introduced me to computers when i was young as he knows his way around a computer and can make them.
I never really thought to much into privacy when it comes to new communication technologies such as facebook and myspace. I know not to put my address or something stupid like that on the site but other then that I never gave it much thought. Several times I have put up my phone number and suburb and I always have my age showing and my email. In saying this my profile is on private. I never actually knew that facebook and other networking websites used their users details and information. On one hand the user did post that information on the internet to be seen but on the other hand it wasn't for the whole network to see.

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