Wednesday, August 26, 2009

MSN Vs. Habbo Hotel

MSN instant messenger is a world wide program that is constantly in use by men, woman, teenagers and children. Another instant messenger program is Habbo Hotel. Habbo Hotel is similar to MSN as you can talk instantly but it is also a 3D program and mostly used by younger people. Firstly i will go over the basic ways that people can communicate on both MSN and Habbo Hotel.

Both programs allow you to communicate online to another person. The main differences in the way these instant messages are communicated is; on MSN the conversation is saved, you can only talk to people that you know as well as only having a web cam or display picture to visualise who you are talking to. On the other hand Habbo Hotel has the conversation continue off the screen so you are unable to keep track of what has been said, you can also talk to anyone that is in the same room as you (you don't have to know them) and lastly as Habbo Hotel is 3D which allows more creativity. I feel that just these few differences change the whole type of socialising that happens on the two programs.

MSN is a lot more direct and personal as you are the only people seeing the conversation. If you were to have a conversation on Habbo Hotel every person that is in the room is able to see. This chances the way you are able to socialise. Another major way it effects socialising is that on Habbo Hotel you don't actually know who you are talking to the majority of the time. The cartoon settings allows people to become who ever they want where as on MSN you know exactly who you are talking to.The Conversations are also limited on Habbo Hotel as inappropriate words are bleeped out and on MSN you are able to say anything.

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