Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lecture Review Week 6

This week was about consumption and production. Within consumption there are two groups; big screen and small screen. Cinema is an obvious big screen as it is the first way of consuming media. it is a primary way of consuming media as well as being in a publicly shared place. The television is also categorised in the big screen group. Instead of being in a publicly shared place, the television is shared within the home as well as having the ability to be watched privately. A personal computer is also included in big screen consumption. it also is able to have private and shared media consumption.

Moving on, the small screen includes; fixed media players and personal media players. fixed media players can be found almost anywhere nowadays. They can be found on most planes and cars as well as being through out shops and pubs and various other locations. Fixed media players are both publicly and privately consumed. Personal media players as also publicly and privately consumed . An example of a personal media player is a mobile phone.

Production is also a big topic with the media. Fan Films are becoming more popular as they allow fans to edit parts or ending of movies to how they would prefer. Mash ups are also popular as fans pick small clips out of different movies to change them into a totally different genre. In the lecture we watched a mash up that was based on Mary Poppins. The creator changed the title to 'Scary Mary' and chose parts out of the movie which make the movie appear to be scary. I found both the fan films and the mash ups to be really entertaining and I also thought it was good to allow fans to put their own spin on movies.

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